Our Baby Girl's Growing Up

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

February 15, 2010

Bunnies and Hedgies and Owls! Oh My!

Welcome to Maggie's playroom.  For Valentine's weekend Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a fun craft project turning a nook in the basement into a happy forest for Maggie and her friends.  Now the little space that was never used is now home to a happy tree and all it's critters including bunnies, birds, hedge hogs, owls, a fox, a squirrel, some snails and probably a few other things I've forgotten.

How We Started -- Ohhh Boy

The Artist of the Family

The Happy Tree

Maggie Helped

Maggie Loves Mr. Fox

We Think Maggie Likes It

The Finished Product

Even The Books Got a Wise Old Owl

It's rare to come across a company these days that provides good ole customer service, so when I do I sing their praises and become a repeat customer.  The company that designed these graphics, Graphic Spaces, is one such company.  I ordered the graphics at the begining of the week and had them by the end of the week.  They communicated with me throughout the process not just with bland updates on my order, but with cute messages like "All the little animals are so excited to be moving to Kansas! The hedgies are a little afraid of flying, but I'll make sure they get in your box and are comfortable."  And the quality of the product exceeded our expectations.  I so appreciate this! I wish more business owners ran their companies this way.  I digress...back to cute stuff.

After a hard day's work planting the tree and introducting Maggie's animal friends to their new home Jared and I enjoyed a wonderful Valentine's dinner with good friends:  Lisa & George and Jessica, Adam & baby Maddie.

We hope everyone else had a lovely and loving weekend.  XOXO

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